Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ringin' in the New Year

So I took the sigma 70-300 Macro out to play today. I mostly bought this lens for taking to the zoo and such, but I am finding I am in love with the macro feature. I now have a serious jonesing for a "real" macro. Anyone have a Nikkor macro they feel like selling me LOL? Anyhow this was shot at 200mm in Macro. SS 250 F5 ISO 640 all on my D80.


Heart N' Soul Photography said...

This is a beautiful photo. Awesome idea for a winter wedding. No critique from me. I love it.


me said...

I really like it too, love the background blur. Only thing I can think of to add is a star filter might have added a nice twinkle to the stone. Mind you, I am not sure how well they work with an overcast day.(I have never used one)

Moni Caron said...

I love this image. I have not seen one like this before. I find it very creative and definetly an image for the beginning of a wedding album.
Does it have a slight blue tint to it or is it my monitor?
Thanks for posting!
Moni Caron

Lisa Lacroix Photography said...

Thanks for the comments everyone. "me" I had never heard about a star filter before this and sure enough you are right it probably would have added some twinkle. Moni, you are probably right. I hate to warm my winter pics up too much because I think thye should look cold. Sometimes they end up looking TOO cold. I will have to play with this one.