Well, this is me. I guess I got bitten by the photo bug when my first daughter was born and I got my first roll of film back from walmart that was taken with my old point and shoot. I went directly out and bought an old use film SLR the next day.
My pictures greatly improved although it took lots of reading to get a few basic techniques down. I eventually took some photography classes which led me to Kathleen and she helps me keep on track with not letting photography fall though the cracks of everyday life. This blog and these assignments are part of that venture. There is no better feeling than getting that pic and the wow feeling in your gut and a smile on your face when you know you got it. Hopefully these assignments will help me push myself foward and make time for me and what I love, photography...
this pic was taken with a Canon 5D and an 85mm 1.8 lens with camera on tripod with shutter release cable. Small softbox to camera left and at an high angle Shutter speed was 100 and apeture was 2.5 at iso 400
Hey, ME, What's your name?
Great job in the self portrait(it is a self portrait, isn't it?)
The light looks rally good and your eyes are the focal point. Thanks for introducing yourself.
Moni Caron
Hi Moni, My name is Deanne. The pic is a self portrait, one of many that I took that day trying to line myself up in the lens. It was interesting at some points, trying to get far enough away from the camera with the cable release as well as acheiving focus. I don't have photoshop so there is nothing fancy done to it.
Hi Deanne.
Try a red laser (like the ones you use to make your cat go grazy) put it net to your eyes and focus the camera with your remote or cable release you will get crisp focus with loads of DOF most every time!
Thanks for the tip Lisa.
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