Hello my photo friends!
My Canadian friend Kathleen from Canada and I (Moni Caron) are starting 2008 with some fun plans to get our creativity going.
You might have seen online, there are lots of websites with 365 project, the once a day picture kind of thing. We know that it is a very hard to achieve goal, so we brainstormed and figured it would be very nice to have a more achievable project, so we came up with ours.
Instead of committing to take one picture a day to share among our online community, we propose to take on 2 projects a month and share 2 pictures a month, one per project.
Everybody is busy and sometimes life does not allow us to take as many pictures as we would like, but 2 pictures a month is a reachable goal and we will try to inspire. Looking forward to hearing from you and your images!
As we go forward in our projects, we will probably do some studies about self portrait, but for now, any picture you have will be fine.
In order to make the blog to be smooth, we will ask you to follow some rules, posted here:
- crop images to 5x7 at 72 dpi
- protect your images by using the © symbol followed by your name over the picture
- you may comment on how hard it was to create the image and what you went through to make it
- we encourage you to share your technical info such as light direction, camera used, aperture, shutter speed and any other pertinent info that could help everybody to learn from that picture
- we will post articles to inspire and set the deadlines for the subject. We know not everybody will be able to make the deadlines, but that's ok.
Our goal is to make us think and go out (or stay in) to take more pictures and be beter photographers. When we commit to something, it makes us a better person, and this i about trying harder to get the picture.
Welcome aboard and let's have some fun making pictures!
Moni and Kathleen
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