As photographers, we are very comfortable in being behind the camera. We look through the viewfinder, we talk to people or enjoy the nature, and we decide when to press the button.
The easy feeling of deciding what to include in the picture or not is a good feeling.
We are more times and more often behind the camera then in front of them.
Capturing people's expression, a secret look, a sunrise or sunset, plan weeks in advance to be at the right place at the right moment with the right equipment. This is all part of our routine.
Now.. when it comes down to tell who you are, show off your face, expose your soul and tell us something about your self and why you photograph, what do you want, what's in your mind...then it starts becoming a little fuzzy, huh?
We, photographers, are famous for being away from the "front" of the camera. So here lies the secret challenge: assignment # 1 is about you.
Assignment # 1 - Who are you?
Who are you? What do you like? What is your favorite subject?
We urge you to share, to expose, to tell, and reveal yourself in a non traditional way. Step out your zone of comfort and find a creative way to describe yourself, and include a small picture that shows your face, so we all know a little more about the real you.
This blog is about creativity, inspiration, motivation. We want to shake up your bases, help you to grow up as a photographer. Above all, we want to grow.
Imagine, think, wonder, make up a plan, photograph, share. We are who we are. And we can all be better.
Get up, find a fun and different way of describing yourself and include a self portrait or a picture someone took of you. We want to see your face and know who you are.
May this first photo assignment be a real door opening to our imagination and may the God of Light be with you :)